

Dec 30, 2023

Shaving cream, shoe polish and moisturiser

The sticky spread can be used for a whole host of beauty and home improvement hacks... and even to get rid of mice

PEANUT butter is a tasty snack which many people like to eat, but did you know about its other secret superpowers?

These seven hacks will help you with some tricky household tasks AND your beauty routine.

And with pots pricing in at just over £1, it's a cheap and easy way to solve your problems.

1. Removing chewing gum

Whether it's stuck on a T-shirt, in your hair, on the carpet, in your sheets, under a table or needs to be scraped off the ground – peanut butter can help.

Simply spread a thin layer on top of the stuck gum and leave it for 5-10 minutes, before wiping off with a wet cloth.

You can use the same hack for removing the sticky residue of price labels, with the annoying white tags coming off within just a few seconds of peanut butter being applied.

2. Stinky kitchen smells

Want to rid your home of the lingering smell of last night's dinner?

Whether it's a curry, fishy dinner or even eggs – the magic spread comes to the rescue once again.

Put a dollop in a frying pan and cook it for between two and four minutes to banish the unwanted household odours.

Perfect for cool days when you don't want to leave the windows wide open.

3. Shaving

Peanut butter is packed full of natural oils – which can act as a moisturiser.

Even better, use the super spread as a shaving cream that stops those pesky cuts while also re-moisturising your skin.

4. Hair

Rubbing the sticky spread into your scalp may not seem appealing, but using peanut butter as shampoo could give you a renewed shine and texture.

The natural oils will be infused in your hair, but make sure you wash it out – and rid your hair of the smell.

5. Catching mice

Putting out a mouse trap? It's not a well-known fact, but peanut butter is one of the best foods for catching those pesky rodents.

Apparently, mice prefer the taste to cheese – and the spread is much cheaper than its alternatives too.

6. De-squeaking your home

No, this one's not related to the above point, but rather any sticky windows or doors which are making an annoying, high-pitched sound.

Putting peanut butter on a hinge can supposedly un-squeak nearly anything in your home.

7. Cleaning leather goods

Want to polish your shoes quickly and easily?

Looking to clean your favourite jacket, or even the sofa?

Peanut butter to the rescue once again! Rub it into the leather goods, and it will even remove unsightly scratches.

You can also remove blemishes from wooden floors, tables or kitchen cupboards.

Leave a thin layer of peanut butter on for one hour before wiping it off with a cloth.

Et voila! The scratches magically disappear.

1. Removing chewing gum 2. Stinky kitchen smells 3. Shaving 4. Hair 5. Catching mice 6. De-squeaking your home 7. Cleaning leather goods